At a loose end!

Of course approaches differ by country but I’m sure at some point over the past 12 months we’ve all been in a situation where the world is on pause. It’s a strange new reality where ideas of having a drink or bite to eat with friends simply aren’t possible and past occasions when they were now almost feel like a dream!  Life can become a bit monotonous in such circumstances and I’m sure we’re all crossing our fingers that in a few months time (or 2022 at the latest!) normality starts to return to our day to day lives.

One plus side, (if we want to call it that) of life in the slow late is that we can all pick up hobbies and interests that we simply didn’t have as much free time for previously. Learning a language, a musical instrument, reading that book they’ve been putting off. There are a number of work arounds too. I love nothing more than heading to the casino, but right now that isn’t possible in many countries. Online options aplenty are still available though, and many faithfully replicate their bricks and mortar equivalent. And as the internet is of course worldwide, there are online casinos and offers for Finnish players and others too all around the world.

By mention of offers and incentives I mean to say that, if anything, online casinos are more generous than offline. This is because it’s such a competitive environment and so impressive sign up bonuses, free spins and the like are often on offer. By making the right choices you can ensure that you get the most ‘bang for your buck’. Some sites even have ongoing incentives for players such as cash back, or free poker tournaments and the like to join.

And what of the games themselves? Well in a real world casino granted there is the atmosphere to enjoy, but at the same time, you’ll struggle to find such as impressive range of new and exciting slots options, whereas online new games frequently appear overnight. In fact, if you can think of a slots game theme it likely exists online and so the world is your oyster. There is the convenience factor too. Sometimes I just want to few quick spins of the roulette wheel for instance. Online I can do that immediately and in the convenience of my own home. Offline, it’s not quite so simple (especially now)!

And so despite the troubling times we’re living in, maybe having a little more time on our hands combined with the convenience of online life (and those conversations with loved ones over Zoom!) does have something going for it. Until life returns to normal, it at least provides us with options at our fingertips and adds a bit of excitement to our days!


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